
热列表 灵感 前10名
Whether you are an adventurous or a quiet person, Auckland offers plenty of options to spend a romantic day or a night out with your loved one.  While the notion of a romantic place is rather ambiguous, and it depends on people's lifestyle and choices, 我们已经提出了我们自己的十大.

Spending a day or a night out with your partner at one or more of these places and you should have an enjoyable, 一起度过的有趣而难忘的时光. 

1. 塔卡普纳海滩的日出 

For those romantic early-birds, experiencing the sunrise from the Takapuna海滩 overlooking the beautiful Rangitoto岛 should set the stage for a beautiful day together.  Take a walk along the beach while relishing the vista of the early sunlight as it kisses the earth and water, the calming sound of the waves and the breath of fresh air as they relax your body and mind. 

What's more, the local Takapuna海滩 cafes are open every morning from 6.00am with plenty of breakfast options available.  这是一个完美的散步方式.  如果你星期天去的话, there is a lively market with plenty to eat and drink, 新鲜有机农产品, 艺术品和工艺品等等. 

2. 筒仓公园娱乐 

If you feel like going to an outdoor cinema, 爬墙, 或者参观一个壮观的活动或市场, 筒仓公园 这个地方适合你吗.  It is a trendy place with a wide range of activities.  They have live music, as well as a unique exhibition space called Silo 6.

夏天的星期五晚上, 有很多食物供你选择, or grab a drink from the Silo bar and listen to some live music and watch an outdoor cinema.  一定要看看他们的 网站 看看接下来会发生什么事. 

Close to the park is an excellent selection of restaurants.  So after spending some fun filled time at the park with your better half, savouring the specialities of these restaurants will be a perfect option. 

地点: Corner of Beaumont and Jellicoe St Wynyard Quarter
3. 浪漫的新西兰山日落. 德文波特的维多利亚

This is an excellent option for those keen on experiencing kiwi culture while enjoying landscapes.  维多利亚山 这里有一座火山吗 德文波特.  It is easy to catch a ferry from downtown Auckland to get to 德文波特.  从 there you can then take a walk together for 20 minutes to reach the summit.  If you have a car, you can drive to the top where parking is available.  Plan to grab a classic kiwi "Fish and Chips" in one of the few shops on Victoria Road. 

在一起, 当你看着夕阳西下, enjoy the panoramic view of the Auckland CBD, Rangitoto岛, 北岸和豪拉基湾, 被夕阳染成金色. 
浪漫的新西兰山日落. 维多利亚在奥克兰的德文波特

4. Take a horse ride at Muriwai海滩, West Auckland

Horse riding can be a great adventure for couples.  这个团队 穆里外海滩徒步旅行 cater for everyone - from complete beginners to experienced riders.  They will take you along a track through the black sands of Muriwai海滩 爬上伍德希尔森林. 骑马时享受大自然的野性! 

地点:100 Coast Road, Muriwai海滩

5. 乘坐奥克兰三轮车

A ride in a rickshaw, also known as a pedicab, is a truly romantic experience.  亲密的环境, with only you and your loved one is a unique and romantic experience that should not be missed.  Imagine exploring the city's picturesque streets and beautiful waterfront with your loved one, while being pedaled around by a friendly and knowledgeable driver.  Not only is it a fun and exciting way to see the sights, but it also allows for intimate conversations and special moments together.  +, 带有自定义路由的选项, you can make sure to hit all the romantic spots that are important to you and your partner.  So, when planning a romantic date, consider a rickshaw ride with 奥克兰三轮车.

地点: 码头街1号渡轮码头

6. Spend a night watching the stars at 星穹天文台天文馆

A night to take your love on a journey exploring more than 3000 stars and other heavenly bodies to the edge of the universe, all from the comfort of your own 海ts at the 星穹天文台天文馆.  Furthermore, using the courtyard telescopes you can see distant space objects with your own eyes. An expert will tell you which star, or a planet or other heavenly body you've spotted. 

On Valentine's Day, they offer a special planetarium show with food, drinks, and music. 

地点:670 Manukau Road, Epsom

7. Wine and Dine at The Riverhead Historic Tavern 

If you are looking to dine in at a country-style tavern with a historic feel, then 河源登陆餐厅 这对你来说是完美的选择吗.  Whether you choose a 海t on 外面的 deck or the lawn overlooking the Waitemata River or just relax indoors, the charm of this building will not fail to make you and your love feel relaxed and at ease, 远离城市生活的喧嚣. 

You will be greeted and served with a characteristic kiwi hospitality. Combine that with some mouth watering menu - including pork ribes, 羊小腿, 炸鱼薯条, and scotch fillet and their 图标ic dessert - and you have a night to remember. 

地点:33 York Terrace, Riverhead

8. 西奥克兰的Karekare瀑布

Water lovers will be thrilled with this place. It is hidden, beautiful and the waterfall is quite big. The trees around the waterfall make a lovely shade, so you can take a 海t while enjoying the water going down or having a bite to eat.  Close to the main waterfall is a clear water stream. The waterfall forms a pool at the bottom where you can enjoy a nice swim.  This is an area where you will feel completely surrounded by nature. 

是的, 凯尔凯尔海滩 is close by so you have the option of going for a romantic walk or a swim. 
9. 在高架桥喝一两杯鸡尾酒

The viaduct is a waterfront area with 图标ic restaurants, pubs, bars and eateries.  It offers a great choice of New Zealand and International food.  If you are into mouth-watering cocktails on a sunny day or beginning of a fun night, 你可能想去参观一下 阳伞 & 摇摆不定的公司.  They are passionate; they care and provide an exceptional hospitality experience while you relax and enjoy a stunning view of the Viaduct Harbour.
10. 天空塔的轨道360餐厅

Take your love to the top of the Sky Tower at the 轨道360餐厅 and enjoy the 360 degree panoramic view of Auckland CDB, 海港大桥, Rangitoto岛, 豪拉克湾等等.  Sit back and enjoy some of the most delicious kiwi-inspired cuisine that is made with a range of local produce.  This restaurant is all about experience - the inside, 外面的, 酒店, 菜单, 酒, 甜点.  然而, as you relish the changing views of the Auckl和天空line every minute, do not let this distract you from spending that quality time with your partner. 


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